So, in my efforts to be as eco-friendly as possible, I've been researching a replacement for the clear plastic bags I use for the kits and patterns. I've found old-fashioned Glassine bags and was wondering what everyone thought--these protect from dust and humidity, but aren't plastic. They are more opaque than plastic, but you can still see the pattern through the glassine (though, not as crisply as plastic). They are curbside recycleable (I confirmed this!) yet durable enough if you want to keep a kit or pattern in your stash. Is this too weird, or would you all appreciate the eco-friendliness of this? I'd love to hear your feedback (and, I'm totally loving that I can just put a shout out to all of you so easily here at The Courtyard!).
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Great question! The glassine bags are water resistant but not waterproof. However, we ship all orders in recycled poly mailers that are completely waterproof so your supplies won't get damaged. I have to think a lot about rain here in the Pacific NW😊
I love the look of the glassine bags. My only question for you about glassine is whether these bags are waterproof. Shipped items these days can arrive with dampness or wetness after being exposed to rain or snow. It doesn't happen often, but needlework items can be damaged if they are exposed to water, so I am wondering if these bags are secure from water damage? I love your work, Krista!
One more thing - this is the first time I received a kit with the chart printed on your new paper. I love the switch! I can see the chart better without the reflective quality of the shiny paper, and I'm able to make marks on it, too. Thanks SO much.
This is great feedback--today, I finally found a solution for the BitKit size glassine bag, so we'll start switching over to those shortly. For the larger kits, I've been thinking of not sealing the flap so that the stitcher can choose whether or not they want that flap sealed.
This is great feedback--today, I finally found a solution for the BitKit size glassine bag, so we'll start switching over to those shortly. For the larger kits, I've been thinking of not sealing the flap so that the stitcher can choose whether or not they want that flap sealed.
My first glassine bag has arrived - I love this new packaging! The adhesive is really good and didn't tear the bag when I opened it. I wouldn't mind if you put the glassine bag (and anything else) directly into the shipping envelope without the paper bag.
The term “glassine bag” reminds me of all the search and seizure cases I read in law school and it made me laugh out loud. I can imagine myself getting stopped at the airport with glassine bags full of needlework. Anyhoo, I’m firmly in the less plastic camp! I would be just fine with paper or whatever is sustainable/economical/convenient for you.
I just got my order in yesterday. It was partially in a glassine bag, and I love the idea!! Cannot wait to get it all in glassine bags! Great job!
I’m fascinated. I am trying to reuse the eco plastic envelopes as the shipping sticker has to be removed in order to be recycled.
I love this! Glassine should work great.
I use glassine bags to store restorations of old photographs while working on genealogy. They keep nicely until I get them into an album.
Oh yes! In fact, I'm thinking of holding a contest for how stitchers use the "signature" burgundy ribbon. Stay tuned😊
So do we still get the delightful, smile-provoking signature packaging with the brown tissue paper, a round logo sticker, and that pleasurable rich burgundy velvet ribbon??? Hopefully yes !
Glassine bag update--I discovered EcoEnclose was closing out a bunch of their older style of glassine bags, which have a resealable flap which is just perfect for kits/patterns. So, they're on their way to me and we'll start packaging in glassine beginning late next week when they arrive. It will be a few months until everything's transitioned, but I would not have felt confident moving forward with this without ALL of your helpful feedback. Thank you!
Super supportive of any eco friendly efforts, big or small. I personally love glassine bags, the look, and the feel. ❤️
I don't know exactly what glassine is, but sounds good to me.
Wow, this is far more positive than I expected! I'm going to put something in the Saturday email and see if we get any negative feedback, but I feel so much better about sending out my kits in packaging that is eco-friendly and curbside recyclable. I want to bring more beauty into the world, but I don't want to damage the earth in the process!
I’m in favor! I recycle the plastic bag anyway, so would appreciate a more environmentally friendly method of packaging. To dress them up a bit, you could fold the top down, punch a couple of holes through the top and run a small length of ribbon through to keep it closed.
I’m not sure I know what glassine looks like. Is it like frosted glass? Or is it super clear ? I like all your packaging. It’s got a personal touch, almost like unwrapping a present.
Glassine bags (packaging) are wonderful! Go for it (if it fits with your budget figuring). As a photographer, I've used glassine bags for decades. It feels great. It looks great. People will take your patterns and kits out of the packaging the minute they receive them, in order to get started on the wonderful embroidery. So from that perspective the packaging is temporary -- a means just for shipping. I'm grateful you're aware of eco-friendly issues, and all the more grateful that you get these beautiful folk embroidery patterns out to us. (Blessed Lent.)